Munich Mittwoch – The NYE Edition

posted on December 25th, 2009 by in Event, Munich

Wir verlassen das Viertel

One week left in ’09 – time to check where to spend New Year´s Eve. Munich has quite a few parties to offer – make your choice:

Café King / Loft:
Sylvester w/ Andi Thoma, Dani Siciliano, Jonas Telonius Imbrey, DJ Kaos, DJ Tonka, Muallem, Michael Fakesch, Mirko Hecktor, Kill The Tills, Dorfner & Beeling, Lisa Schairer, Flamingo Gang, Teichwasser

All Night Long w/ Not Fx, Dan Gerous, Tommy Montana & Dash

Erste Liga:
New Year´s Eve w/ Hugo Capablanca, Martin Peter & Marvin & Valentino

Ex-BMW Niederlassung, Dachauer Strasse:
Wir verlassen das Viertel w/ Yum Yum, 0711, Keine Musik, Stock 5, Top Friend, So Not Berlin & Bobble

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Download Top Friend Party Mix

A night of Uplifting Club Sounds w/ Schlachthofbronx, Daniel Haaksman and more

4 comments on “Munich Mittwoch – The NYE Edition”

  1. irieeuro said at 7:32 pm on December 28th, 2009:

    Kann mir jemand sagen, von wem der Track ist, in dem die Kinder “Jovo, Jovo, bonsoir! Ca va tu? Merci!” singen?

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