Junior Gong & Nas versus Mulatu Astatke

posted on January 28th, 2010 by in Audio

While we still got to wait about three months for the release of the feature-length combination album of Damian Marley and Nas (“Distant Relatives”), Schowi (Yum Yum posse) gives us a little lesson in music industry.

He took a closer look at the sample Marley and Jones used for the beat of “As we Enter”, the latest (and strongest) track that leaked from the “two Obamas” so far, and teaches us that it comes from

legendary ethiopian jazz musician Mulatu Astatke’s “Yegelle Tezeta” was first used in Jim Jarmusch’s film “Broken Flowers” and has since appeared on Optimo Espacio’s “Sleepwalk” LP.

Thanks! Here´s both – the source and the re-interpretation:

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Download Damian Marley & Nas “As We Enter”

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Download Mulatu Astatke “Yegelle Tezeta”

5 comments on “Junior Gong & Nas versus Mulatu Astatke”

  1. Damian Marley & Nas “As We Enter” Sample | Burden Clothing said at 11:31 pm on January 29th, 2010:

    [...] Spotted on Seen [...]

  2. andykisaragi said at 6:45 pm on January 30th, 2010:

    hm trackbacks don't seem to be working from my blog but check out my J5 mashup with Yegelle Tezeta at http://untimelysound.co.uk/content/nas-damian-m

  3. toastyle1210 said at 10:24 pm on January 30th, 2010:

    ah, thanks for sharing! “recorded in the 70s (or so) but it could have been a RZA production” fits pretty damn good

  4. Ethiopian jazz vs Cirque du Soleil | This is the blog of FIRST® - A Jamaican Magazine said at 10:02 pm on February 9th, 2010:

    [...] to. Seen to read/listen more HERE The Economist on Ethiopia’s jazz revival HERE SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Ethiopian jazz vs [...]

  5. Nas, Damian Marley, Mulatu Astatke, Jurassic 5 and andykisaragi in Mongolian Clusterfuck Shocker! | untimely sound said at 5:10 pm on February 10th, 2010:

    [...] Marley have lent vocals to it, and man it's pretty awesome, check it out over at the Seen blog: JUNIOR GONG & NAS VERSUS MULATU ASTATKE where you can also download the original… [...]

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