“Bullet in your belly, make you piss your baggy”

posted on January 28th, 2009 by in Audio


Ladies and gentleman, we proudly present a Schlachthof Bronx exclusive. This time, the Hypie Hypie hosts who´re e. g. responsible for an infamous “We Nah Fraid” makeover, take on Timberlee´s “Gunny Gunny”. Play it bassclaat loud!

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Download Timberlee “Gunny Gunny” (Schlachthof Bronx RMX, 320kps)

2 comments on ““Bullet in your belly, make you piss your baggy””

  1. Joppe said at 4:47 am on February 3rd, 2009:

    baaaassclat loud!

  2. Nais Blog said at 9:12 pm on December 3rd, 2009:

    [...] Ein paar Schlachthofbronx Freeloads gibt es auf der Disko B Seite und im Seen. Blog. [...]

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