posted on April 26th, 2009 by Tobias in Article, Politics

© Gabe
It´s Sunday. Time for some good news. Despite the announcement of tax increases on Thursday, the streets of Jamaica did not see the violence expected by some political figures upfront. In order to prevent day-long protests with cars burning and roads being blocked for days like it happened when gas taxes in Jamaica were risen last time in 1999, the government had the army deployed before Finance and Planning Minister Audley Shaw announced the increases (via Reuters).
And while there are still rumours that protests might break out tomorrow, the forces have´t had to take any actions so far. More in today´s Observer.
posted on February 24th, 2009 by Tobias in Article, Audio, Politics

Danny Scrilla, the kid who filled in for Tim Turbo in last week´s Tim Turbo Thursday podcast, came up with a pretty decent dubstep remix of “Day and Night” – the hit tune of your favourite´s blogger´s favourite rapper, Kid Cudi. Listen to and download the 160k version below and holla at Danny Scrilla via Myspace if you wanna have the 320k hight quality shizzle.
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Download Kid Cudi “Day and Night” (Danny Scrilla Dubstep RMX, 160k)
P.S. In other news, The Fader has put up a new Kiprich (“Gangsta Veteran”) while Neil Nice from Turntable Lab NYC and The Guardian made up their minds about daggering.
posted on October 16th, 2008 by Tobias in Article, Audio, Politics, Stuff

via Animal NY
Something to download: Roots Manuva – “Let The Spirit (Hot Chip RMX)” (via nialler9)
Something to think about:
There is a home for creatives in between poverty and stardom. Somewhere lower than stratospheric bestsellerdom, but higher than the obscurity of the long tail. I don’t know the actual true number, but I think a dedicated artist could cultivate 1,000 True Fans, and by their direct support using new technology, make an honest living. (via Signal vs. Noise)
Something to listen or subscribe to: Addicted to Race Premium
If you’re at all interested, here’s an interview for the Addicted To Race Premium podcast, one of the most consistently intriguing places for cutting-edge dialogue on race and culture. I was really honored to be asked to participate. (via Can´t Stop Won´t Stop)
posted on September 29th, 2008 by Tobias in Article, Audio, Politics, Video
or: “There´s nothing wrong with a little shooting as long as the right people get shot” (just had to squeeze that quote from the new De Niro / Pacino flick in, check Animal NYC for the full story.).

Anyway: I got an email from Australia today asking me to put up the new “Get Nice” mix from Bashment Jack on this blog. And as there´s nothing wrong with a nice mixture of dancehall, disco and dolly, I´m happy to do so. Get over to ZShare to download it for free and check Get Nice for the tracklist.
In other news, German magazine “Dummy” – a quite brilliant mono-thematic quarterly getting art directed by a different agency from issue to issue – recently released #03/08: the “Black People” issue (e. g. talking about Sarotti chocolate, black models and hip hop album sleeves).
Originally, it was supposed to be called “Negroes” before a politically correct comment storm hit the mags´ blog. While I of course agree that a magazine mainly put together by white people like me should very careful with using those kind of terms, I guess that 90% of the people complaining about the title, never actually had to do with black people and should therefore just shut the freak (I guess they use that kind of expressions) up. My advice for the rest: Buy Dummy. If you don´t speak German, learn it – I mean, even Kanye gives props to cultural goods from my damn nation these days.
Wow. Too much text that was. Go watch some videos from Ward 21, Janelle Monaé and Nike:
Read the rest of "Bashment Jack, German news and some video clips" →
posted on April 27th, 2008 by Tobias in Article, Audio, Politics

On Thursday, BBC World Service´s programme “The Beat” had a report on the the noise abatement act and the recent police crackdown on late night sessions in Jamaica. Among others, Peter Dean Rickards, editor in chief of First Magazine, expresses his opinion. Follow the link above to listen to the show. (via FIRST Magazine)