posted on August 9th, 2010 by Tobias in Audio, Jamaican Artists, SEEN
From the day Gabe showed me his early scribbles for the »Venom« shirt, I always wished I would see Mad Cobra wearing the final product.
It looks like this dream will come true as our friend Marox sent us the following audio message from Cobra himself who he met just recently at the Reggaejam festival. Mad!
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The shirts are on their way already. Thanks, Max, for another pleasant surprise!
PS: See Marox and Munchy chilling with Cobra and Daddy U-Roy after the jump.
Read the rest of "Mad! Listen Cobra ordering a »Venom« shirt" →
posted on August 6th, 2010 by Tobias in Jamaican Politics, SEEN
© Arthur Rickerby (LIFE)
August 6th 1962 is the day Jamaica became independent (check Wikipedia for more information).
We celebrate 48 years of Jamaican independence with a special Independence Day sale: Save 48% on all orders worth at least 100 Euros by entering the coupon code GOLDGREENBLACK62 on during checkout in our online shop.
Only valid today.
posted on August 5th, 2010 by Tobias in Fashion, SEEN
This is a reminder for all the ladies: take your chance to order shirts from our summer 2010 collection before it’s too late.
Pre-orders can only be placed until Sunday, August 8th, and as every ladies shirt is custom-made especially for you, these shirts and tops will never ever be available as regulars in our store.
So listen to Eddie Stats who says:
You should cop these because if anything is sexier than an uplifting message combined with bold eye-catching graphics, it is an uplifting message combined with bold eye-catching graphics right above a nice innie bellybutton or hanging off a bared shoulder. (via Large Up)
and don’t loose any time to place your order right here right now.
PS: Some ladies have been asking what size they should pick – S or M. It’s a hard one for us guys to answer but as the shirts have rather loose cuts, most of you should look very good in Smalls. (The model on the pics is wearing a S, too. She’s about 1,72m tall).
posted on July 30th, 2010 by Tobias in Audio, Jamaican Music, SEEN on
After Jan Delay and Boone Chatta put out their interpretations of Vybz Kartel’s dancehall uberhit “Clarks” recently, we thought it was about time for Ronny Trettmann to step into the booth and show the people who the real king of German dancehall his.
See him represent the Mad Cobra shirt above and listen his mad seen. special on the Mad Collab riddim below.
Big big big öps we send to Leipzig. Thanks a million for endorsing seen. since the early days, Ronny! Can’t wait to hold the Heckert Empire album in our hands. Shout outs also go to Flo (Bassrunner family) for mastering this in no time.
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Download Ronny Trettmann »Clarks« (seen. dubplate)
posted on July 29th, 2010 by Tobias in SEEN
Hey ladies: seen. Summer 2010 shirts are finally available for you. Pre-order now via our online shop.
All ladies shirts are 29,99 EUR (incl. shipping costs) and are available in sizes S and M (with a rather loose fit). As all ladies shirts are custom made, delivery will take about 4 weeks from the day of order and there’s no possibility to return them.
Thanks for your pre-orders already – they can be placed until Sunday, August 8th.
Tobi, seen.