posted on January 17th, 2012 by Tobias in Jamaica, Stuff

So I started a Jamaica-themed »board« on this website called Pinterest which let’s you collect, organize and share images of stuff you find interesting.
If you’re on Pinterest as well and would like to contribute to the board, please follow me and get in touch. If you would like to get an invite for Pinterest, I’m happy to help.
posted on November 10th, 2009 by Eve in Mann´s World, Stuff

Recently I stood in Half Way Tree in an eternally long ABM line. Observing the traffic both on the road and in the plaza (mall) and realized that Christmas was upon us. In light of that I figured I would share a few of my mother’s and other women I know with really great Christmas recipes. Fruitcakes are an integral part of the Jamaican Christmas experience. Even in houses where mommies didn’t bake or cook for that matter, they always had cakes and sorrel at home for when the inevitable visitors stopped by. I still have fond childhood memories of being the official mixer, to which I always got a stern warning every year.
“Nuh change the direction yu a mix in or yu a go spoil mi cake!”
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