Tim Turbo Thursday #16

posted on March 12th, 2009 by in Audio, Design, TTT Podcast


Hi kids, it’s the love-thru-bass-messenger, Tim Turbo on my second week in Munich.

I checked out some exclusiv members- and guestlist-only clubs in my new home Munich in the last couple of days: Stupefying beautiful people at Dollinger. The best Ghetto Bass party I had for years at Colt and endless free wodka drinks with model-chicks at Hypeness. You see, I enjoy my time here. Nevertheless, I found some free minutes to put together a premium Tim Turbo Thursday, brimful with brand new, sometimes even exclusiv basses for you. Enjoy the mix and recommend it to your gang and family, if you like it.

Furthermore: show your affiliation to the dirty-down-bass side of life (a.k.a. la vida loco) and check out these splendid pages, e.g. become a fan and join my group on Facebook or my fan page. Get the new Tim Turbo Thursday as soon as possible, by subscribing here.

Get me and my bag of bass to your hood by writing my booker at: book.tim.turbo[at]seen-site.com.

Speak along: It´s Thursday - Basses for the masses!

Tim Turbo Thursday #16

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Download Tim Turbo Thursday #16

Follow the track to the “more”-button to track the tracklist. Word!

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Tim Turbo Thursday #15

posted on March 5th, 2009 by in Audio, Tim Turbo, TTT Podcast


Servus kids, it’s your beloved bassellero Tim Turbo calling from huffy Bavaria.

I left my true love Berlin and went down to the dirrty south of Germany, in fact I’m working in Munich now for 6 months. But that will not preclude me from giving you your weekly earful of bass. If Munich is your hood and you wanna hang out and do some music stuff or you have a club where I can play some shows every now and then, get at me: timturbo(at)seen-site.com.

I need to point out a few tunes on today´s Tim Turbo Thursday, because they are kind of special in various ways: A brand new Electro-Soca tune by Ghislain Poirier alongside Mr Slaughter, Munich’s Ron Foto got the anthem for female asses in a Schlachthofbronx remix and a brand new tune by the upcoming Lazerbass princess Lexie Lee.

Show your affiliation to the bassy side of life and check out these exquisite and splendid pages, become a fan and join my group at Facebook and my Tim Turbo Facebook fan page. If you need to get the new weekly basses as soon as possible, you should subscribe here. And if you want hourly updates about our ultrainteresting lives follow me and Tobi on Twitter.

Reserve your very own Tim Turbo show by writing some kind words to book.tim.turbo[at]seen-site.com.

Speak along: It´s Thursday – Basses for the masses!

Tim Turbo Thursday #15

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Download Tim Turbo Thursday #15

Today it’s a Jamaican children’s jump rope song that makes you jump over the more button.

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Tim Turbo Thursday #14

posted on February 26th, 2009 by in Audio, TTT Podcast


Hi kids, this is your white knight in the name of his imperial majesty, the almighty bass, Tim Turbo.

We get pretty much back to the usual scheduled programm. Wich means bass in great profusion, in fact loaded fiftysomething minutes. Todays Tim Turbo Thursday‘s highlights may be two brand new unreleased tunes off the Man Recordings rooster and a brand new remix by Danny “Wobble” Scrilla.

Now some news on my behalf again: I’m leaving my beloved   Berlin for 6 months next week, going down down down to the dirrrty south, meaning Munich, to work there. If Munich is your hood and you wanna hang out and do some music stuff or you have a club where I can play some shows every now and then, get at me on timturbo(at)seen-site.com

If you are checking out this new and fancy internet-thingy right now, maybe check out these fine and splendid pages, too and leave a few words: my facebookgroup and my facebookfanpage. If you need to get every TTT as soon as possible, you should subscribe here. And if you want hourly updates about our ultrainteresting lives follow me and Tobi on twitter.

Book me on book.tim.turbo[at]seen-site.com.

Speak along: It´s Thursday – Basses for the masses!

Tim Turbo Thursday #14

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Download Tim Turbo Thursday #14

More words, some names and no poems after the jump-around-button.

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Tim Turbo Thursday #13 – Danny Scrilla Fills In

posted on February 19th, 2009 by in Audio, TTT Podcast


Hi kids, its your banging donk Tim Turbo, with a little help of a friend.

Actually the friend goes by the name of Danny Scrilla of the notorious MashUp Crew and did the whole Tim Turbo Thursday of today all alone. As if that hadn’t been enuff, he only played remixes and productions done by himself. You’re about to witness the strenght of Danny Scrillas work.

What do you need to know about Danny? Well, he is part of Berlins MashUp Crew, a true connoisseur of UK club music and a upcoming Dubstep producer.  His first EP will hit the raves on the 6th March 2009, its brimful with hard wobbling riddims and you’ll get a extra-exclusive prelisten about the end of todays Tim Turbo Thursday

Now some news on my behalf: I’ll have a mix on austrias fm4 radio-channel today at 14:03 pm C.E.T today and I’ll play a show in Vienna at Leopold tomorrow night, side by side with Lexie Lee and Bassruner. Maybe you are in the world wide wobble web right now, then maybe check out these informative and useful pages: my facebookgroup and my facebookfanpage and if you need to get every TTT as soon as possible subscribe here. If you maybe got some banging donks send them over. If you wanne be digital friends and get updates about our ultra-ultrainteresting lives follow me and Tobi on twitter. Or if you need a big portion of bass on your party, book me on book.tim.turbo[at]seen-site.com.

Speak along: It´s Thursday – Basses for the masses!

Tim Turbo Thursday #13

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Download Tim Turbo Thursday #13

Jump juvenile like the fish in the water over the “more” reef…

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Rocking with the best: Tim Turbo X FM4 Unlimited

posted on February 17th, 2009 by in Event, TTT Podcast


After his 5 hr marathon in Southern Germany last Friday, this week, seen. team´s poster boy Tim Turbo is going to do Vienna. He will work the decks alongside Lexie Lee and her Bassrunner posse in Café Leopold on Friday and promote this show with a special mix for DJ Beware´s and DJ Functionist´s Unlimited show on radio FM4 the day before. You can access the stream globally via www.fm4.at. Tune in no later than 14:03 pm C.E.T. on Thursday, February 19th.