Eddie Seaga teaching Jamaican Music History

posted on February 24th, 2010 by in Article

via Jamaica Gleaner

At the 2010 Reggae Conference at UWI Mona, former Jamaican prime minister Edward “Showa Blinds” Seaga spoke about “Jamaican music industry as a site of nationalistic fervour” (via bigblackberry). Seaga’s own role in the JA music industry has been about as multi-functional as the room the conference took place at:

He has been a student, producer, de facto talent developer, minister of culture, and has also utilised Jamaican popular music in his political pursuits. (Jamaica Gleaner)

For his presentation, he chose not to speak live but to play a recording of an essay of his as well as (parts of) 42 songs which served as soundtrack for him pointing out the landmark achievements of Jamaican music in the past 50 years.

You can read the whole story over at the Gleaner and if there’s anybody out there who recorded the live stream: would be great if you could share it with us.

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