Exclusive Tim Turbo blend for Eddie Stats´ Ghetto Palms

posted on April 29th, 2009 by in Article, Audio, Photography


As a reader of this blog, you´re probably very familiar with Eddie Stats´ “Ghetto Palms” column on the Fader website. This weeks´ “Dancehall and the Ghetto Archipelago” features an exclusive Tim Turbo blend with the following tunes:

Lexie Lee, “We Don’t Play”
Lexie Lee f. Jahcoozi, “Freeze”
Douster, “Schlaggada” (Swaggada Edit)
Terry Lynn, “Kingstonlogic” (Greenmoney Bruk Logic Remix)
Terry Lynn, “Kingstonlogic” (Greenmoney House Logic Remix)
Sorie Kondi, “Without Money, No Family” (Chief Boima Remix)
Daniel Haaksman, “Pombu Coco”
Douster, “Triassic Genesis”
Douster, “Ladinian”
Schlachthofbronx f. Slush Puppy Kids, “Too High”

Make sure to jump over and grab that one.

Note: the picture used for the column comes from a seen. team member as well – our man Gabe provided one of his shots. That´s what you call family business!

One comment on “Exclusive Tim Turbo blend for Eddie Stats´ Ghetto Palms”

  1. Download Tim Turbo Thursday Podcast #23 said at 10:20 am on April 30th, 2009:

    [...] weekly dufflebag of bass for you is splitted in two parts this week: I made a exclusive blend for Eddie Stats’ Ghetto Palms on The Fader, fully loaded with exclusives and unreleased tunes [...]

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