Major Lazer – Pon Di Floor Video

posted on August 3rd, 2009 by in Video

via Pitchfork TV

5 comments on “Major Lazer – Pon Di Floor Video”

  1. arlo said at 8:34 pm on August 3rd, 2009:

    haha! love it <3

  2. De Skater said at 11:00 am on August 4th, 2009:

    Don’t they know daggering can lead to fracture of the penis?

  3. Strizzy88 said at 10:54 am on August 26th, 2009:

  4. Lextroy Harry said at 6:43 pm on March 22nd, 2010:

    sick bad

  5. Lextroy Harry said at 7:43 pm on March 22nd, 2010:

    sick bad

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