Official African Air Horn Dance Trailer

posted on June 20th, 2009 by in Video

Labash put the link to this video under one of our last week´s posts. As I really like the look of the trailer, I was wondering if anybody has more information on the project. Will this be a music video for Jusa Dementor? Will it be a documentary? Please enlighten me.

3 comments on “Official African Air Horn Dance Trailer”

  1. Labash said at 3:04 pm on July 2nd, 2009:

    Yes it will be a music video its out in the next few days so brace your selves look out on or Love peace and respect.

  2. Simzz said at 7:35 am on July 6th, 2009:

    well the video will most likely be out by the 8th of of July.. Jusa is the artist. the track is called the african air horn dance..Jusat a video thats taking African, dancehall and African music to an international level…

  3. Disko T said at 5:20 pm on July 6th, 2009:

    alright, thanks for letting me know!

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