Outernational Love: Free Shipping from today

posted on April 15th, 2010 by in Article, SEEN

© Peter Dean Rickards

In the last couple of weeks, we have felt humbled by the international love we have been getting for our Spring/Summer 2010 T-Shirt Collection.

As a thank you, we totally dropped our shipping costs. That means we won’t charge no fees for shipping, handling and packaging for orders any more. No matter where you’re from. Munich or Stockholm, Berlin or London, Hamburg or New York City, Cologne or Tokyo, Stuttgart or Kingston.

Thank you! Check the seen. T-shirt shop here.

And here’s some of the feedback we got from people around the world:

Eddie Stats, Large Up (USA):

Our Excelsiors over at seen. have been slowly unveiling their spring line of tees and dropped this little gem just before the weekend, ft. veteran deejay Mad Cobra aka just plain Cobra re-imagined as a serpentine, speaker-stacked carib-being called Venom. Which prompts the immediate question: Major Lazer face-off?? Hit the Seen shop to collect ‘em all. Nuff said.

Hejty (Slovakia):

Seen. [zi:n] je nemeckou zna?kou založenou v roku 2004 na Jamajke — Dead End Beach, Montego Bay. ?asté cesty, týchto dá sa poveda? nadšencov, do nákupneho raja všetkých fanúšikov reggae, do Kingstonu, sú ich výletmi za inšpiráciou. Ich tri?ká sú zmesou nemeckého prístupu k veci a karibského zmyslu pre štýl, hrdosti a uvedomelosti.

Mark, Fat Seagull (UK):

Tobias dropped me a line to you all know that the new collection from seen. has just dropped and it’s a bit of a corker.

Reggae.es (ESP):

Que Alemania es uno de los países de Europa donde la música jamaicana tiene un mayor número de seguidores es algo indudable a estas alturas y esto hace posible que proyectos ligados a esta música, como marcas de ropa, sean cada vez más frecuentes en el país germano.

Ya os hablamos de Yard, posiblemente la marca más popular hasta la fecha, pero Alemania cuenta con un buen número de pequeñas marcas que intentan buscar su hueco en el mercado. Una de esas marcas es seen., que presenta su nueva colección de camisetas para esta Primavera.

FIRST Magazine (Jamaica):

Superficially, Jamaicans and Germany are an unlikely combination. But then the Germans could do with a bit of colour and unpredictability and we just need to buy things that work… like BMWs (that test the very limits of vehicle suspension), or free t-shirts from our good German friends at seen.

Last Sunday Tobias Huber and Gabriel Holzner, who run seen., tipped us off about the latest version of their site, which relaunched yesterday, and a new series of Jamaica-inspired t-shirts for Spring 2011. The new site is very clean and robust (they did FIRST also), while the t-shirts themselves are subtle, relying on the strength of their graphic design. Thankfully also, no cheesy overuse of the national colours.

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