RBMA Culture Clash 2010: rundown

posted on October 23rd, 2010 by in Article, Event

We already shared the audios of Red Bull Music Academy’s Culture Clash 2010. We don’t want to miss you out on an amazing rundown of the event either: The people over at Loudat attended the clash and sum it up a little something like this:

It wasn’t until the closing minutes of the soundclash did it become clear just how out of touch Skream, Benga,Goldie and their crew of swaggering cock-ends really were. Firing insults at each other over the crowd and rewinding every track made for a spectacle, but certainly didn’t make for a party. The solid and confident delivery from Channel 1 never wavered, they knew what they were doing and they stuck to their guns.Entertaining the crowd and forwarding their message of music and niceness.

Channel 1 were the only real soundsystem at Culture Clash and it showed. They’re the only ones that have for years run a rig, thrown parties to promote their sound, actively support their community and push a message of conciousness  which is everything a soundsystem should stand for.

Read the whole story: Stoned Pensioners Win Culture Clash – Musical Justice Served.

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