SEEN on Ronny Trettmann (Heckert Empire)

posted on October 20th, 2010 by in Free Download, SEEN on

seen. on Ronny Trettmann

With less than a month to go (release date: November 12th, 2010) for Ronny Trettmann‘s and Smo‘s album »Zwei chlorbleiche Halunken« to drop, Hekmek re-brushed the Heckert Empire label website and – amongst other things – added a set of very fine pictures of the artists.

Some of the shots are also featured in Riddim magazine which interviewed Ronny Trettman and Smo for their current issue.

Thanks, Ronny, for once again reppin seen. to the fullest! Everybody go buy the album when it’s out!

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Download Ronny Trettmann »Clarks« (seen. dubplate)

One comment on “SEEN on Ronny Trettmann (Heckert Empire)”

  1. Download Soldier Sound: »Class of '99«, High Noon Soundsation: »Forward When U Born In The 80s« and Glockwork Posse »Dancehall Circus«. • SEEN • nice reggae and dancehall t-shirts since 2004 said at 5:42 pm on January 2nd, 2011:

    [...] Posse: »Dancehall Circus« somes up their Dancehall highlights of 2010 and we are happy to find Ronny Trettmann’s SEEN special on their as well. Nice [...]

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