The Afflicted Yard presents: Kingston 2002 – 2006

posted on September 5th, 2009 by in Design, Photography, SEEN


It was back in summer 2006 when Gabe and me first met with Peter Dean Rickards in Kingston, Jamaica. We sat down at the students´ union on Mona campus and when Peter left, I honestly couldn´t tell if he´s the madman some people think he is when reading his sometimes quite strange online output on the various Afflicted Yard online outlets or if he´s the mastermind you could think he is when looking at his actual work. Just to remind you: Peter was the first to stream music live from Jamaica (“Kingston Signals“, anybody?), he was the first to convincingly capture contemporary Jamaican popular culture with a digital camera (the cover of Sizzla´s “Life” album, anybody?), and he was the first to publish a Jamaican magazine that met international standards – visually and content-wise.

What I definitely knew though was that we would have to work together. I ended up spending every single evening of my semester at Peter´s place in Barbican having beer and screening the photographs he had been taking from 2002 on. Our goal was to compile the most outstanding images and layout them in a way that would convince international publishers to put out a book – “The Afflicted Yard – Kingston 2002-2006″. Which we did.

However, it  hasn´t been published until today.

In the meantime, Peter has moved on from photography to videography – doing globally acclaimed productions for e.g. Terry Lynn and preparing the release of “The Last Don” – an incredibly entertaining documentary on the status quo of the Jamaican dancehall business. And while he keeps pushing things forward, he decided to release a PDF version of “The Afflicted Yard – Kingston 2002-2006″. For free.

Download it here.

2 comments on “The Afflicted Yard presents: Kingston 2002 – 2006”

  1. Christiane Nicely said at 10:11 am on September 6th, 2009:

    Thanks guys, love it to the max! Seen!
    One love

  2. Name said at 1:48 pm on September 10th, 2009:

    any news bout ur new shirts?

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