XLR8R TV: Dutty Artz, Dutty Future

posted on February 21st, 2010 by in Video

Matt Shadetek and longtime collaborator Jahdan Blakkamoore about the rising tide of dancehall, daggering, Latin, and tropical and what it takes to push music into the future.

via XLR8R

2 comments on “XLR8R TV: Dutty Artz, Dutty Future”

  1. Mixpak Records » Dutty Artz, Dutty Future said at 4:51 pm on February 22nd, 2010:

    [...] [via Seen] [...]

  2. Mixpak Records » Dutty Artz, Dutty ??? said at 4:03 pm on August 4th, 2010:

    [...] [Seen ??] [...]

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